The Rest Falls Away

The Rest Falls Away by: Colleen Gleason

Series: The Gardella Vampire Chronicles (Book 1)

Published: 2007

# of pages: 347

Quote: "Our Heroes Commence with Much Poofing and Slicing" -Chapter 12 title

The Rest Falls Away balances action and romance in a surprisingly addictive story. The first 100 pages were hard for me to enjoy, but after Victoria gets over her whining about the society she lives in and she and Max stop their constant juvenile squabbling, I found myself enjoying the novel much more. Last night and this morning I couldn't put the book down.

It's odd, because it isn't the best writing style and I still found some of the last half of the book forced (mainly the parts that concentrate on Victoria's mother's friends and the fact that those Victoria loves the most "have" to remain ignorant while other normal people know everything), but the story is unique and I found myself surprised throughout. The end has a great plot twist and leaves the reader hanging. I can't wait to read the next book and see what happens!

There is somewhat graphic sex in this book. I had hoped it would be one I could recommend to my younger sister (who loved the Twilight series), but I don't think I will because I don't want to be the one who "corrupts" her. She's probably read worse in school already, but I like to think that she would be a little shocked and I don't want to be the cause of that. I personally didn't mind it, it wasn't really crude, it was just sexual romance that spices up the story. However, it may not be appropriate for younger readers, although everything else in the novel seemed almost more young adult to me. Overall, I recommend this book to people who are looking for an exciting and unique romance that isn't overwhelming in terms of vocabulary, length, or the amount of thought needed for interpretation.

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