
Aug 17

I'm moving this blog over to WordPress so that it will be in the same place as the homeschool website I created.  However, since this domain was already taken, I've decided to rename and redesign Andrea's Book Nook.  

CLICK HERE to visit the new and improved (and still improving by the day!) Carolina Book Nook!

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I Shall Be Near to You

Mar 09

I Shall Be Near to You
By:  Erin Lindsay McCabe
Challenge:  Monthly Motif
Published:  2014
# of pages:  320

Official description:  An extraordinary novel about a strong-willed woman who disguises herself as a man in order to fight beside her husband in the Civil War, inspired by a real female soldier's letters home   Rosetta doesn't want her new husband Jeremiah to enlist, but he joins up, hoping to make enough money that they'll be able to afford their own farm someday. Though she's always worked by her father’s side as the son he never had, now that Rosetta is a wife she's told her place is inside with the other women. But Rosetta decides her true place is with Jeremiah, no matter what that means, and to be with him she cuts off her hair, hems an old pair of his pants, and signs up as a Union soldier.   Rosetta drills with the men, prepares herself for battle, and faces the tension as her husband comes to grips with having a fighting wife. Fearing discovery of her secret, Rosetta’s strong will clashes with Jeremiah’s as their marriage is tested by war. Inspired by over two hundred and fifty documented accounts of the women who fought in the Civil War while disguised as men, I Shall Be Near To You is the intimate story, in Rosetta’s powerful and gorgeous voice, of the drama of marriage, one woman’s amazing exploits, and the tender love story that can unfold when two partners face life’s challenges side by side.
My opinion:  Overall, this novel felt disjointed.  There were times I couldn't follow the narrator's logic.  Even at the end, when Rosetta makes her biggest decision, I didn't understand why since it completely disregarded her previous stance on the decision just a few pages earlier.

I love the author's idea of exploring female soldiers in the Civil War.  It isn't common knowledge that there were so many female soldiers in that war, so it was interesting to read the author's note at the end of the book about where she came up with her idea for this novel.

Why I gave this book 3/5 stars:  Interesting story and characters, but I didn't connect with any of them.  The narrative felt disjointed and hard to follow at times.

Have you reviewed this? Let me know and I'd be happy to post yours as well.

Under a Painted Sky

Feb 05

Under a Painted Sky
By: Stacey Lee

Published: 2015

# of pages: 384

Challenge:  Monthly Motif, Full House

Official description: Missouri, 1849: Samantha dreams of moving back to New York to be a professional musician—not an easy thing if you’re a girl, and harder still if you’re Chinese. But a tragic accident dashes any hopes of fulfilling her dream, and instead, leaves her fearing for her life. With the help of a runaway slave named Annamae, Samantha flees town for the unknown frontier. But life on the Oregon Trail is unsafe for two girls, so they disguise themselves as Sammy and Andy, two boys headed for the California gold rush. Sammy and Andy forge a powerful bond as they each search for a link to their past, and struggle to avoid any unwanted attention. But when they cross paths with a band of cowboys, the light-hearted troupe turn out to be unexpected allies. With the law closing in on them and new setbacks coming each day, the girls quickly learn that there are not many places to hide on the open trail. This beautifully written debut is an exciting adventure and heart-wrenching survival tale. But above all else, it’s a story about perseverance and trust that will restore your faith in the power of friendship.
My opinion: I just loved this book!  It's a young adult and it isn't super realistic, but I absolutely loved the characters.  The author is an amazing writer.  I enjoyed the way she described what the characters were thinking as well as the settings.  I also found it refreshing to read a young adult novel that is also a historical fiction that takes place during a time that is not written about so much.

This met the requirement for January in the Monthly Motif Challenge and the "diversity" category of the Full House Challenge.  The main characters are Chinese and black (escaped slave) young women.

Why I gave this book 5/5 stars: Great characters, unique story, beautiful descriptions.  Not entirely realistic or complex, but that's okay for an uplifting young adult novel.

Other reviews:
The Perpetual Page-Turner

Have you reviewed this? Let me know and I'd be happy to post yours as well.

2017 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge

Jan 04

I'm not very great about reviewing and then linking my posts on challenges, but this looks really fun and I'm hoping it will motivate me to post more on my blog.  

Welcome  to the 2017 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge! For this challenge, each  month is assigned a motif or theme. Your task is to read one book per month that fits in with the assigned motifs…
JANUARY – Diversify Your Reading
Kick the reading year off right and shake things up. Read a book with a character (or written by an author) of a race, religion, or sexual orientation other than your own.
FEBRUARY – Undercover Thriller
Read a book involving spies, detectives, private investigators, or a character in disguise.
MARCH – Time TravelerRead a book set in a different dimension, a book in which time travel is involved or a dystopian or science fiction book where reality looks very different than what we’re used to.
APRIL – Award Winners
Read a book that has won a literary award or a book written by an author who has been recognized in the bookish community.
MAY – Book to Movie or Audio
Read a book that has a movie based off of it. For an extra challenge, see the movie or listen to the audio book as well.
JUNE – Destination UnknownRead a book in which the character(s) take a trip, travel somewhere, go on a quest, or find themselves on a journey toward something.
JULY – Believe the UnbelievableThis month it’s all about fantasy. Epic fantasy, urban fantasy, fairytales, magic, etc.
AUGUST – Seasons, Elements, & WeatherRead a book in which the season, the elements, or the weather plays a role in the story.
SEPTEMBER – Creepy, Chilling, & FrightfulCozy mystery ghost stories, paranormal hauntings, murder mysteries, weird and scary creatures- it’s up to you!
OCTOBER– Games, Challenges, & ContestsRead a book that involves a game of some sort. Video games, war games, psychological mess-with-your-mind games, characters who participate in a contest, or a story in which the character takes on a challenge.
NOVEMBER – Last ChanceRead a book you’ve been meaning to get to all year but haven’t yet or read the last book in a series you started.
DECEMBER – Picking FavoritesRead a book by one of your favorite authors or read a book that Girlxoxo has recommended this year.

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Full House Reading Challenge 2017

Jan 04

Non fiction:
On TBR for 2+ years:
More than 500 pages:
Page turner:
Middle grade book:
2017 published:
Published pre 2000:
UK/European author:
Back list book from favorite author:
Book from a list:
Award winner: 
Book about books:
Size word in title:
Two worded title:
Debut book:
Food on cover or title:
Cozy mystery:
Book from childhood:
Diversity book:
Australian/NZ author:
USA/Canadian author:
Not really for you:
Attractive cover:

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What's in a Name? 2017

Jan 04

The challenge is from January to December 2017.  Read one book from each category and don't overlap categories.  I'm super excited!

All of the books I have listed are ones I've found in my existing TBR list that qualify.  I may or may not read them, but I was excited that I found titles for a couple of these categories without searching long!

A number in numbers:  Orphan Number 8  by: Kim van Alkemade

A building:  The Charmed Children of Rookskill Castle  by: Janet Fox

A title that has an X somewhere in it:  Oryx & Crake  by: Margaret Atwood

A compass direction:  South of Broad  by: Pat Conroy

An item of cutlery: The Bastards and the Knives  by: Scott Lynch  (which I have heard will be published in March and I've also heard it will never be

A title in which at least two words share the same first letter:  Stolen Songbird  by: Danielle L. Jensen

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2016 Review

Jan 01

2016 was a pretty awful year for me, in both my personal and reading lives.  However, I did write a few review posts which was better than the previous year!  I'll do the same thing I did last year and participate in the survey by The Perpetual Page-Turner as well as my general overview.

Challenges in which I particpated:
Full House Reading Challenge 2016  (finished 22 of 25)
Ultimate Reading Challenge 2016
What's in a Name? 2016  (finished 2 of 6)
R.I.P. XI  (finished 4 of 4)

# of books read:
(down from 52 in 2015, 58 in 2014, 60 in 2013, 75 in 2012, 39 in 2011.  Up from 30 in 2010 & 28 in 2009.  Down from 48 in 2008 and 81 in 2007.)

Favorites (in order read):
The 100  by: Kass Morgan (young adult, sci-fi, #1 in series)

Illuminae  by: Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff  (young adult, sci-fi, series)

Bone Gap  by: Laura Ruby  (young adult, magical realism)

Ready Player One  by: Ernest Cline  (young adult, sci-fi, post apocalyptic)

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry  by: Rachel Joyce  (adult fiction)

Black-Eyed Susans  by: Julia Heaberlin (adult fiction, mystery, suspense)

Crooked Kingdom  by: Leigh Bardugo  (young adult, fantasy, #2 in series)

Gemina  by: Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff  (young adult, sci-fi, #2 in series)

Least favorite:
Nothing was awful this year, but my lowest rated were:
The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall  by: Katie Alender
The Zookeeper's Wife  by: Diane Ackerman

# of non-fiction:

Repeated authors:
Patrick Rothfuss (2) (The Kingkiller Chronicle)
Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff (2) (The Illuminae Files)

Number of books you read: 35
Number of re-reads: 0
Genre you read the most from: Adult fiction, young adult, fantasy

1. Best book you read in 2016: 
Young Adult: Illuminae  by: Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
Adult: The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry  by: Rachel Joyce

2.  Book you were excited about and thought you would love more, but didn't: 
The Wrath & the Dawn  by: Renee Ahdieh

3.  Most surprising (in a good or bad way) book you read:
The Wonder  by: Emma Donoghue - I didn't expect it to be so engrossing.  It sounds like a fairly tame story, but I couldn't put it down.  It was a great book!
4.  Book you "pushed" the most people to read (and they did):
Illuminae  by: Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

5.  Best series you started in 2016? Best sequel of 2016? Best series ender of 2016?:
Best I started: The Illuminae Files  by: Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
Best sequel: Crooked Kingdom by: Leigh Bardugo (this could also be considered the end of the series since Bardugo called this "series" a "duology".

6. Favorite new author you discovered in 2016:
This is a hard one since I read so many great things by authors I'd never read before.  But the two that were completely new to me (I had never even heard their names before) were Laura Ruby (Bone Gap) and Rachel Joyce (The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry).

7.  Best book from a genre you don't typically read/was out of your comfort zone:
Shadows and Monsters  by: Grace A. Dow - short stories.  Books of short stories don't normally hold my attention so I don't read them very often.  I also tend to read them at the same time I'm reading novels so they are kind of squished between my regular reading.  Grace is a good friend of mine and so I read this for the annual R.I.P. Challenge.  There were a few stories in particular I loved and that have stuck with me, just like novels do.  

8.  Most action-packed/thrilling/unputdownable book of the year:
Illuminae  by: Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

9.  Book you read in 2016 that you are most likely to re-read next year:
I don't usually re-read, but if I did re-read one, it would probably be Bone Gap  by: Laura Ruby

10.  Favorite cover of a book you read in 2016:
11.  Most memorable character of 2016:
Harold Fry from The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry

12.  Most beautifully written book read in 2016:
The Wonder  by: Emma Donoghue or Bone Gap  by: Laura Ruby

13.  Most thought-provoking/life-changing book of 2016:
Bone Gap

14.  Book you can't believe you waited UNTIL 2016 to finally read:
Ready Player One  by: Ernest Cline and The Name of the Wind  by: Patrick Rothfuss

15.  Favorite passage/quote:  
"She said, 'Do you love me yet?'
He recoiled from her, from the look of her.  'You don't love me because you can't see me,' she said.  'Look! Look! I am beautiful now. I am beautiful.'"  -Bone Gap  by: Laura Ruby

16.  Shortest & longest books you read:
Shortest: The Bears on Hemlock Mountain  by: Alice Dagliesh (64 pages)
Longest:  The Wise Man's Fear  by: Patrick Rothfuss (994 pages)

17.  Book that shocked you the most:
There was a pretty shocking moment in Gemina  by: Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff.

18.  OTP (one true pairing) of the year (you will go down with this ship!):
Nik & Hanna in Gemina

19.  Favorite non-romantic relationship of the year:
Parcival & Aech in Ready Player One  by: Ernest Cline

20.  Favorite book you reading 2016 by an author you've read previously:
Crooked Kingdom  by: Leigh Bardugo

21.  Best book you read in 2016 that you read based SOLELY on a recommendation from someone else/peer pressure:
Frozen Heat  by: Richard Castle

22.  Newest fictional crush from a book you read in 2016:
My crushes on Jamie from the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon and Kaz from the Six of Crows series by Leigh Bardugo were just further cemented in the second books I read this year.

23.  Best 2016 debut you read:
I don't think I read any debuts.

24.  Best world building/most vivid setting you read this year:
Ready Player One or Crooked Kingdom

25.  Book that put a smile on your face/was the most FUN to read:
Bone Gap

26.  Book that made you cry or nearly cry:
The Nightingale  by: Kristen Hannah

27.  Hidden gem of the year:
Bone Gap

28.  Book that crushed your soul:
The Nightingale  by: Kristen Hannah

29.  Most unique book you read:
You  by: Caroline Kepnes
30.  Book that made you the most mad (doesn't necessarily mean you didn't like it):
The Nightingale by: Kristen Hannah just because it's about the German occupation of France during WWII and how helpless the whole situation was.

1. New favorite book blog you discovered in 2016:
2.  Favorite review you wrote:
3.  Best discussion/non-review post:
4.  Best event you participated in (author signings, festivals, virtual events. etc):
5.  Best moment of booking/blogging life in 2016:
I actually posted 4 reviews!

6.  Most challenging thing about blogging or your reading life this year:
I went through a very hard time personally over the summer and it really stalled my reading for pleasure.  Also, I started (and then gave up) a lot of self-help books that really didn't help at all.
7.  Most popular post this year on your blog (either comments or views):
8.  Post you wished got a little more love:
My Bone Gap review
9.  Best bookish discovery (book related sites, book stores, etc):
10.  Did you complete any any reading challenges or goals that you had set for yourself at the beginning of the year?:
I completed one challenge (R.I.P. XI), and didn't finish the others.  I definitely didn't complete my overall goal of reading 60 books!
1.  One book you didn't get to in 2016 that will be your number one priority in 2017:
Nothing in particular.
2.  Book you are most anticipating in 2017 (non-debut):
The third book in the Illuminae Files and The Thorn of Emberlain by: Scott Lynch (#4 in the Gentleman Bastard series)

3.  2017 debut you are most anticipating:
4.  Series ending/a sequel you are most anticipating:
I don't know if one of my answers to question 2 will be a series ender.

5.  One thing you hope to accomplish or do in your reading/blogging life in 2017:
Read more (my goal is 50 booiks) and blog more than 4 reviews.
6.  A 2017 release you've already read and recommend to everyone:

The Winter People

Oct 25

The Winter People
By: Jennifer McMahon
Published: 2014
# of pages: 317
Challenge: R.I.P. XI
Official description:

West Hall, Vermont, has always been a town of strange disappearances and old legends. The most mysterious is that of Sara Harrison Shea, who, in 1908, was found dead in the field behind her house just months after the tragic death of her daughter, Gertie. Now, in present day, nineteen-year-old Ruthie lives in Sara's farmhouse with her mother, Alice, and her younger sister, Fawn. Alice has always insisted that they live off the grid, a decision that suddenly proves perilous when Ruthie wakes up one morning to find that Alice has vanished without a trace. Searching for clues, she is startled to find a copy of Sara Harrison Shea's diary hidden beneath the floorboards of her mother's bedroom. As Ruthie gets sucked deeper into the mystery of Sara's fate, she discovers that she's not the only person who's desperately looking for someone that they've lost. But she may be the only one who can stop history from repeating itself.
My opinion:  I was going to read The Night Sister by the same author, but it wasn't available at the library.  The Winter People was, so I checked that out instead.  I'm glad I did because this book was a suspenseful read for the R.I.P. Challenge!  I was hooked the entire time.  I'm not going to lie; I'm not sure I was happy with the ending.  The pace at the end was a little rushed after all of the build up.  I didn't quite follow why Ruthie's story ended the way it did.  She made a decision that I didn't understand.  Overall, this was a fun, suspenseful read that I'd recommend to lovers of suspense, ghost stories, etc.

Why I gave this book 4/5 stars:  Mostly well written, characters I liked and related to, original story

Other reviews:


Have you reviewed this? Let me know and I'd be happy to post yours as well.

The Eye of the World

Sep 18

The Eye of the World
By: Robert Jordan

Series: Wheel of Time

Published: 1990

# of pages: 814

Challenge: Ultimate Reading Challenge

Official description:

The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth returns again. In the Third Age, an Age of Prophecy, the World and Time themselves hang in the balance. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.

My opinion: With the exception of the flashback within a flashback (within a flashback?) chapters, this was a very well written novel that takes place in an amazingly well thought out fantasy world. It reminded me of Tolkien (Jordan claims he was inspired by Tolkien) and A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin and The Kingkiller Chronicle series by Patrick Rothfuss. 

I enjoyed all of the characters, especially Rand and Perrin (and each of their thoughts about how the other was more comfortable with women!). I'm interested to see what happens with each of the characters in the following books, but especially Rand and Perrin.

And seriously, what about that last paragraph!? I feel like I could be content with waiting a long time to read the next book (which is what I usually do with long series with long individual books like A Song of Ice and Fire and Outlander, etc), but after reading the last paragraph I want to immediately jump into the next book to see what's happening! However, it took me a L.O.N.G. time to get through The Eye of the World. I think it would have been slow going at times even if I was my normal reading obsessed self, but life hasn't treated me so well this summer and it's affected my reading habits. Right now I want to concentrate on my R.I.P. Challenge book choices which are shorter and suspenseful and will maybe pull me out of my reading slump! I was planning to start the next Wheel of Time book next year, but I'm thinking that maybe after October 31 and the R.I.P. Challenge, I'll pick up book #2 to find out what happens next!

Why I gave this book 4/5 stars:  Amazing fantasy world, I was interested in the characters, it was a little slow at times, but I kept wanting to continue.

Have you reviewed this? Let me know and I'd be happy to post yours as well.


Sep 01

September 1 - October 31, 2016

Dark Fantasy.

These are the categories for the annual R.I.P. challenge that I've participated in for the past few years.  All year, I keep track of books in these genres to read when Autumn comes around and the R.I.P. challenge begins.  Now I just have to narrow down which ones to attempt to read before Halloween!  I've been in a reading slump the past couple of months due to family problems and I'm hoping R.I.P. can bring me out of my reading slump...and maybe even out of the slumps in other areas of my life. 

 There are several "perils" within the challenge.  I usually participate in Peril the First (read four books).  I love suspense movies, but I always try to save a suspenseful/scary movie for Halloween, and then when that night rolls around my husband and I are usually just exhausted after the chaos of trick-or-treating with kids and don't watch a movie after all.  This year I'm going to try for Peril the First, Peril on the Screen, and Peril of the Short Story.  

Peril the First:
1. The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall  by: Katie Alender

2. Black-Eyed Susans  by: Julia Heaberlin

4. You  by: Caroline Kepnes
Peril of the Short Story:
Shadows and Monsters: Stories for Halloween  by: Grace A. Dow
Peril on the Screen:
"The Gift"

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Wife, mother, bookworm.
This is a place where you can read book reviews, discover links, and learn about the reading challenges in which I'm taking part.


my read shelf:
Andrea's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf)

Annual Goal

2016 Reading Challenge

2016 Reading Challenge
Andrea has read 0 books toward her goal of 60 books.